Fast, Secure and Scalable. Is there room for User Experience?

Blockchain is still an enigma to many people. The technology’s obvious value for engineers and enthusiasts is a puzzle to the people it’s created for. We believe that to become massively adopted, any technology needs first and foremost a friendly user experience. Electricity exists – let's make a bright lamp together.

Web2 background

Deutsche Bank

Better Collective




Stak is a design company specializing in Web 3.0 projects. We have 10+ years' experience designing digital products across different industries.

Best things appear when you apply your expertise to the area of your strongest empathy. We got together to apply our expertise to technology we have passion for.

Sasha Krasnov, founder & designer

Misha Iskandarov, founder & designer

Dima Egner, designer

We bring a product-centric approach to Web 3.0 considering its specifics. Unlike agencies, we go much deeper into products and become integrated as a design stack. It lets us cooperate seamlessly with your team and create things that work.

Along with our design portfolio we shape our investment one. In our business model a part of our fee is paid in the project token to build our portfolio. It helps us to look for clients carefully and fully focus on our work. In some sense, we invest with design.